Our Mission
Move the Advertising into a New Era
All industries are transforming and becoming automated as we speak. Advertee aims to provide an option to costly agencies and busy ad specialists. With Advertee, brands, freelancers, and agencies can focus more on their businesses by automating daily advertising routines and saving time & money.
Voices About Us
Advertee leverages the founder’s years of experience to become a universal tool for all smaller and larger companies and entrepreneurs who don’t want to spend money on social media management professionals. They want a simple and practical tool that takes care of everything itself, so entrepreneurs can focus on what’s most important – their product.
Michal Dědek, SFG Group
- https://cc.cz/o-kampane-na-socialnich-sitich-se-postara-sam-cesky-startup-miliony-korun-podporil-michal-dedek/
- https://sj.news/umi-propagaci-na-sitich-automaticky-a-bez-specialistu-nyni-na-to-advertee-ziskalo-investici-od-dedka-z-sfg/
- https://www.startupinsider.cz/tech/sfg-investuje-do-technologickeho-startupu-advertee-v-automatizovane-propagaci-obsahu-na-socialnich-sitich-vidi-velky-potencial-544045
- https://www.euro.cz/clanky/skupina-sfg-sazi-na-propagacni-silu-socialnich-siti-reklamni-platforme-advertee-poskytne-pul-tretiho-milionu-korun/